Penza government and Russian journalists in a friendly ice hockey match
The two amateur teams - the Penza government and the Russian journalists - met on November 10th, 2018 in Penza. The home players won the game with 7:4.
The captain of the Penza government team was the governor Ivan Belozertsev.
The journalists’ team was captained by Anton Vernitsky, famous TV presenter and journalists of Channel I.
The governor welcomed the guests and the spectators. ‘We are always happy to see other teams come and play with us. I consider it as a sign of respect, firstly for the success of Penza sports people, and their achievements in various sports, including ice hockey,’ he said. ‘These games are a joy for those who love ice hocky and sport, and they are also important in engaging in sports everyone - kids, young people, adults and senior citizens. One has to get up, turn off the computer and do some sport. Only then can we become healthy, strong and full of life. Because sport is life!’ he said.
The governor also stressed that it was a great honour for the Penza government to meet with the team that actively promotes sport, both in Russia and abroad.
Anton Vernitsky thanked the governor for the kind welcome and also greeted the spectators.
‘I visited Penza a year ago, I was at the journalists forum ‘We are from Penza.’ I met the governor and I said that our team has played in various corners of the country, but has never come to Penza. So, I received an invitation! We are used to being with the audience. That’s our job. But we are more nervous here, in front of hundreds of people, fans and spectators, who came to watch us play,’ said Anton Vernitsky.
The matches between the amateur teams have been conducted in the modern ice-hockey rink ‘Diesel Arena’ for three years. In 2016 the guest team was the Bryansk region government, in 2017 - the stars of Russian ice hockey, and in March 2018 - the team of actors and musicians. During all those matches the home players were victorious.